A little bit of nostalgia for you. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
The only REAL news we have for you is that our upcoming Thurmont "event" is getting closer and closer and the checks are starting to arrive.
Today's a good day to send yours in:
"Reminder: The Thurmont/Cozy lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22 at 12 noon.
Please send your $13 checks to:
Doris Fausey
13109 Beaver Terrace,
Rockville, MD 20853
Please send your $13 checks to:
Doris Fausey
13109 Beaver Terrace,
Rockville, MD 20853
We have a firm reservation for 60 people that day. There will be plenty of room even if all of us show up, since we have the option of opening up the adjoining room.