featuring another WTOP legend, Buddy Belote.

Chuck Langdon and I (original hosts of the show almost 20 years ago) video taped the show with Buddy this past Saturday for airing sometime this summer. Buddy traced his years in broadcasting from the early days of WINX when one day he climbed the tower to make adjustments and when he climbed down, he learned that he was now working for the Washington Post Station (WJSV at that time, later changed to WTOP).
If you've never seen Buddy on the performing side of the camera, you're in for a big treat.
Jay Leno better watch his step!
AND....................................Guess who showed up in the studio to tape another show with us?

Bob Raiford and Buddy Belote in Studio before the taping
Raiford came up from Charlotte, where he's heard on over 100 radio stations each day on a popular syndicated morning show with two other guys named John Boy and Billy called "THE BIG SHOW."
Bob still flys his own plane, rides his Harley motorcycle to work every day, writes and delivers 7 comentaries a day, has appeared in 28 major movies and "made for TV" shows including numerous appearances on Matlock with Andy Griffith, and has written several books.
Raiford talked a lot about the old days at WTOP, showing up to visit his son Ray on the battlefield in Vietnam in the 60's, his battle with John Hayes over the personal liscense tag with WTOP on it, (which Raiford applied for and GOT before the station thought about getting it) setting off a firecracker and blowing out the window between the control room and studio 3.
The engineers union asking that their members who worked with Raiford receive "hazardous duty pay."
And much more!

The shows we did Saturday with Buddy and Bob ARE NOT TO BE MISSED!
But, don't worry if you don't live in Fairfax county and can't get the show, I plan to make enough DVD copies of both shows to give them out to everyone at our Thurmont meeting this fall.