Wednesday, September 24, 2008

45 and Counting!

Doris Fausey reports that the checks are pouring in for our Thurmont reunion luncheon!
45 people have already sent in their checks! 

This is the first time in my memory that so many of us have signed up quite this early.

However, there's plenty of room left since we're guessing there will be about 60 of us .....Cozy Inn has assured us that if more folks show up and we want to spread out, the large adjoining room will be available to us.

 The Thurmont/Cozy lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22 at 12 noon.
Please send your $13 checks to:

Doris Fausey
13109 Beaver Terrace,
Rockville, MD 20853

Here's a list of our friends who have already signed up:

As of 9/23, we have 45 attendees coming.  They are:  (Doris)

Harriet Arshawsky                       
Albert Bargamian                
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Beall                 

Bob Bell      
Buddy and Florence Belote           
Ray Bloom  

Tom Buckley      

Bill Calder                                       
George Catron                           
Mr. and Mrs. James Connor             

Earl and Donna Dunmeyer    
Doris and Bob Fausey               
Royce and Doris Fish               
Stanley Guttenberg      
James and Barbara Hannen              
Jim and Margaret Hargreaves  

Don Herr&Jimmy Webb&Beverly Webb  
Chuck Langdon                                     
Allan & JoAnn Mc Connell 

Frank McDermott   

Danny&Carolyn McKinney               
Paul Monte-Bovi    
Kevin Rafferty     

Don Richards                                 

Lee Shephard      
Bea & Paul Stottlemyer                    

Richard Webb       

David&Rochelle Zap 

Tony&Betty&Earl Zukas                  

See you there!