Doris Fausey reports that the checks are pouring in for our Thurmont reunion luncheon!
Please send your $13 checks to:
Doris Fausey
13109 Beaver Terrace,
Rockville, MD 20853
As of 9/23, we have 45 attendees coming. They are: (Doris)
Harriet Arshawsky
Albert Bargamian
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Beall
Bob Bell
Buddy and Florence Belote
Ray Bloom
Tom Buckley
Bill Calder
George Catron
Mr. and Mrs. James Connor
Earl and Donna Dunmeyer
Doris and Bob Fausey
Royce and Doris Fish
Stanley Guttenberg
James and Barbara Hannen
Jim and Margaret Hargreaves
Don Herr&Jimmy Webb&Beverly Webb
Chuck Langdon
Allan & JoAnn Mc Connell
Frank McDermott
Danny&Carolyn McKinney
Paul Monte-Bovi
Kevin Rafferty
Don Richards
Lee Shephard
Bea & Paul Stottlemyer
Richard Webb
David&Rochelle Zap
Tony&Betty&Earl Zukas