Friday, October 02, 2009

Thurmont 09 Almost Here!

Doris Fausey the esteemed mover and shaker in charge of social events, since our founder Buddy Belote was elevated to the cushy position of CEO of our little group, reports that
with 11 days to go, the following is a list of attendees.

Albert Bargamian
Jeffrey Barron
Ernie&Lucille Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Beall
Buddy and Florence Belote
Tom Buckley
Bill Calder
Mr.&Mrs.James Conner
Earl and Donna Dunmeyer
Doris and Bob Fausey
Royce and Doris Fish
Dave & Eloise French
Stanley Guttenberg
Mr.and Mrs.Norm Hannen
Jim and Margaret Hargreaves
Philomena Jurey
Chuck Langdon
Al Levin
Allan & JoAnn Mc Connell
Frank McDermott
James O'Neal
Theda Parrish
Kevin Rafferty
Don Richards
Lee Shephard
James Snyder
Carol Woodard
Richard Webb
David Zarin and Son 

It's still not too late to sign up. But those of you whose motto is "Procrastinate Now" need to send your check for $13 per person in ASAP.

Doris Fausey

13109 Beaver Terrace

Rockville, MD 20853

See you there!

The Date is Tuesday October 13th at 12 noon at the Cozy Inn Restaurant in Thurmont, MD.