One of the surprise highlights for me was finally meeting the mysterious DAVE HUGHES, the one man news bureau who runs the most amazing website of local TV and radio news in the entire country. People are always asking me, "Who is Dave Hughes?"
Well, here he is!

I asked Dave a few questions and he was kind enough answer:
LEE: What is your background?
DAVE: Journalist, mainly. I've worked for a variety of newspapers, newsletters, and trade publications, including Radio World and TV Tech, which are based in Falls Church. I've also freelanced for many broadcasting trade pubs.....
LEE: Were you in Radio and TV at one time, or were you just a "fan" or interested observer.
DAVE: The only real radio work I did was in college at WMRA, the NPR station owned by James Madison University. I did news reports and lots of behind the scenes work, a la the program tape library.
LEE: What got you started on this adventure?
DAVE: I've always been a "media freak" - way back to my childhood. I've always had a fascination and radio (AM and FM, and shortwave) and TV.
LEE: How do you manage to "scoop" all the other media?
DAVE: I've developed an army of sources at radio and TV stations throughout the region.
LEE: Do you have a staff of people to help you?
DAVE: Just me, and my sources, of course.
- Dave
For more pictures of the event go to Dave's site.
And for even MORE, click Here
For the latest, up to the minute news about the Washington and Baltimore radio and TV scene, click on Dave Hughes' extraordinary site DCRTV